Social Intranets

Do you have a Social Intranet (And Do You Really Want It To Be)?

By now you’ve heard the term “social intranet” brandished around extensively. What makes an intranet social anyway? What differentiates a social intranet from a traditional intranet? And why would one company intentionally look for a social intranet, while another one avoids it? I believe the elements that make an intranet social are the same ones

Do you have a Social Intranet (And Do You Really Want It To Be)? Read More »

3 Reasons You Should Not Use SharePoint and what could be an alternative.

Many clients come to us, because they’re looking for an alternative to SharePoint. I am curious. Why is that? SharePoint is the number one intranet software; about half of all intranets are built on it. So why is it that so many organizations decide to look for Alternatives to Sharepoint? To answer this question, I

3 Reasons You Should Not Use SharePoint and what could be an alternative. Read More »

Meet the Juicebox: CWD’s Social Intranet

When CWD began looking for intranet software, they wanted what most companies do. First, a centralized portal for various types of information for staff. These included announcements, promotions, new hires, instruction manuals, and photos. They also wanted a shared calendar for out-of-office and other activities. Another goal for CWD was to reduce emails about internal

Meet the Juicebox: CWD’s Social Intranet Read More »

How to Create A Wellness Portal on Your Intranet

Bad health is bad for business. According to a recent study, employees’ medical expenditures already eat up 50 percent or more of company profits. Add to that the cost of absenteeism and loss of productivity due to illness. The clear takeaway is this: companies can no longer afford to ignore their employees’ health. Your company intranet

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