The Pros and Cons of Deploying Sharepoint

SharePoint, Microsoft’s collaborative platform, is widely used for document management, intranet development, and team collaboration. While SharePoint offers numerous benefits, it also comes with certain drawbacks. Here are the pros and cons of deploying SharePoint:


  1. Collaboration and Document Management:
    SharePoint excels in providing a centralized platform for collaboration and document management. It allows teams to share, edit, and collaborate on documents in real-time, fostering efficient teamwork.
  2. Integration with Microsoft 365:
    SharePoint seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365, enhancing productivity by providing a familiar interface for users already using tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook.
  3. Customization and Scalability:
    SharePoint offers a high degree of customization to tailor the platform to specific organizational needs. It is scalable, allowing companies to start with basic features and expand as their requirements evolve.
  4. Security and Compliance:
    SharePoint prioritizes security and compliance features, providing robust access controls, encryption, and auditing capabilities. This is crucial for organizations handling sensitive data or operating in regulated industries.
  5. Intranet Development:
    SharePoint serves as a robust platform for developing company intranets. It allows organizations to create centralized hubs for internal communication, resource sharing, and employee collaboration.


  1. Steep Learning Curve:
    SharePoint’s extensive features can result in a steep learning curve for new users. Training may be necessary to ensure employees can leverage the platform effectively, and this initial complexity may hinder adoption.
  2. Costs:
    While SharePoint offers various plans, some organizations may find the associated costs, including licensing, customization, and maintenance expenses, to be a significant investment. This can be a drawback for smaller businesses with budget constraints.
  3. Performance Issues:
    In large organizations or with extensive document libraries, SharePoint performance can be a concern. Slow load times and latency may occur, impacting user experience.
  4. Dependency on Microsoft Ecosystem:
    SharePoint’s integration with the Microsoft ecosystem is a strength, but it also means that organizations heavily invested in non-Microsoft technologies may face challenges in seamless integration.
  5. Customization Complexity:
    While SharePoint allows for extensive customization, implementing complex customizations may require specialized skills and can complicate future upgrades. Balancing customization needs with long-term maintainability can be a challenge.

In conclusion, SharePoint can be a powerful tool for organizations looking to enhance collaboration and document management, especially if they are already using Microsoft technologies. However, careful consideration of the associated costs, user training, and potential customization challenges is essential to make the most of its capabilities.

Noodle is a great alternative to Sharepoint. Learn more about Noodle.

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