Intranet Best Practices: Setting Up Your Digital Workplace Part 1

Our last blog post covered how to create and manage Widgets for quick access to your most relevant information. Today, we’re going to look at setting up your digital virtual workplace by creating application instances within your Employee Profile in Noodle. This could act as a place to create and edit documents before they see the light of day, or a place for your personal calendar or task list. To create an application in your profile, you will have to navigate to the “My Stuff” tab in your Noodle profile. From here, you can click on the add application button at the top right and add any one of the 15 applications to your “My Stuff” Digital Workplace.

Create Application Screen.

Once you have added your applications, you can follow our last post’s instruction to create Widgets for a snapshot of your applications and quick access. Use these applications to work individually on projects, or to share and collaborate with other co-workers or team members. Let’s look at some ideas for how your Digital Workplace applications can be used in your profile.

Establish A Content Or File Sandbox

Create your Documents, Blog Posts or Pages in your “My Stuff” digital workplace and invite collaborators to contribute, proofread or make revisions before you share throughout the organization. Need to step away in the middle of your post? Save it in your profile and come back to it later.

Setup Your Calendar Manage your schedule by setting up your Noodle Calendar. Looking to connect a third party calendar? Use subscriptions to ensure that your digital workplace displays all the important dates and appointments from your existing calendar. Bring your department’s or team members’ calendars together with a merged calendar, so you always know the best times to schedule meetings.

Collect Information With Forms

Database Forms can be designed to collect various information for your use. This can be used in your day-to-day operation. For example, to collect client information and track interactions for account managers. Or use these forms periodically for events, such as taking food orders for a departmental retreat.

Create A Task List Use the Task Manager application to create and organize your “to do” items into categories, and mark your progress. Grant access to your task manager and allow others to assign tasks to you. View your colleagues digital workplace to see their tasks and stay on top of your team projects to see when vital stages are completed.

Team Task List.

Read More In Our Next Post: Setting Up Your Digital Workplace Part 2

Stay tuned for part two, where we will look at how to add iframe widgets and external links to your digital workplace.

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