Use the Intranet Blog application to share important information with staff. You can have multiple contributors to one blog, and create multiple blogs within Noodle. The Blog application’s rich-text editor lets you add links, images, widgets, and tables to your intranet blog. Enable workflows for controlled publishing.
Live Blog Widgets
- Create a blog Widget to keep your team up to date with new posts
- Display the contents of the most recent blog, or show a summary of the most recent entries
- Notify and share blogs with other users from within the Blog options
Built-in Text Editor
- Familiar word processor format options. Stylize and format your text, paragraphs, tables and more
- Easily add links, pictures. WYSIWYG editor helps you position and design your page without coding knowledge
- Use the editor to add your own Source Code and embed videos, widgets or java-script for more advanced editing