8 Ways HR Can Leverage the Intranet for Better Employee Engagement

Denis Zenkin, E2.0 adoption expert, calls intranets and HR a “perfect match.”

And with good reason.

Human Resources work involves providing huge amounts of up-to-date information, managing employee records, processing HR transactions, and cultivating company culture — all of which are naturally served by a well-functioning social intranet.

This post talks about the many ways HR can and should use the company intranet.

1. Information Dissemination

The intranet is the most logical central location for HR documents. When changes happen, it’s easy to replace them with the most current version, thus reducing confusion. Here’s a sampling of documents that can be uploaded into the intranet:

  • policies and procedures
  • job descriptions and compensation information
  • benefits and entitlements
  • leave information for employees

HR-related news are also easily disseminated on the intranet. Examples include announcements about new hires, changes in policies and procedures, upcoming holidays, and job vacancies.

An HR calendar provides at-a-glance information on training schedules, deadlines, and other important events.

The intranet is also the perfect place to gather and respond to employees’ HR-related questions. Answers are archived for the benefit of other staff members. Proper tagging and use of meta-data make answers easily searchable.

By using the intranet for information dissemination, the number of inquiries to Human Resources can be greatly reduced, freeing up HR staff for other tasks.

2. Information Collection

Human Resources can also use the intranet for faster information collection. For example, the employee database can be housed in the intranet, and employees can update their personal data as changes happen.

HR can also create an intranet e-form to perform a needs assessment of staff. This information can be used for planning many other HR activities.

3. HR transactions

E-forms can be created for virtually any HR transaction. For example, vacation applications, benefit enrollments, and resource booking can all be done on the intranet. Because the intranet can be accessed on any web browser — including mobile devices — approvals can be done even when approving officers are out of the office. This means faster, paper-free processing.

4. Training

Everything from planning, scheduling and delivering training can be done on the intranet. Text, photos, slideshows, and videos can be embedded in a wiki on the intranet. Because the training materials are no longer in a physical format, they are available simultaneously to users (whereas previously training DVDs, for example, were limited in number and availability).

The intranet also makes it easy for Human Resources staff to monitor completion of training courses, respond to questions, and assess learning.

5. Feedback Gathering

The intranet also makes it easy for HR to gather feedback. Aside from collecting employee questions, HR can easily get staff members’ comments on documents and other content. Polls and surveys help HR collect employee opinions and input. By analyzing the content analysis of staff members’ status updates, blog posts, and intranet comments, Human Resources can get a sense of the general mood and emotions of staff.

6. Community Building

Human Resources can track birthdays and anniversaries, organize special events, and help employees know each other better through the intranet. Posting photos and videos of office events also helps build community and camaraderie.

7. Performance Management

Performance management processes can be completed in the intranet. For example, an e-form can be used to document key result areas for each employee. Performance tracking and appraisals can also be done on the intranet.

8. Recruitment

Recruitment also becomes easier with the intranet. Internal recruitment is served by announcing vacancies and accepting applications via the intranet. Human Resources can also use the intranet to find internal talent to fill vacancies.

For external recruitment, applications can be routed and scored through the intranet. The virtual meeting room can be used by recruiting panelists, especially if they’re in different locations, to discuss candidates and create a shortlist.

How else can HR use the intranet? Did I forget anything? How does your Human Resources harness your intranet to make their job easier and more effective?

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