Internal Blogging Is Good for Your Career: Here’s Why

Are you hesitant to write an internal blog, because you’re worried of being seen as having too much time on your hands?

Unfortunately, despite internal blogging’s role in increasing collaboration and knowledge sharing in the workplace, there is an impression that only those who are not busy enough at their jobs, blog.

This is a misguided notion and if this fear has been keeping you from blogging internally, it could be harming both you and your organization.

Done properly, an internal blog is good, not only for the organization, but for the blogger as well.

Below, I discuss the ways in which publishing an internal blog can do you good.

7 Ways Internal Blogging Can Help Your Career

1. An internal blog demonstrates your expertise.

Ever wonder why businesses blog? It’s to show their thought leadership, of course! While a blog is not the place to brag, it is the perfect medium to publish content that are useful to your readers. By writing about your reactions, comments, and insights on every day work-related things — meetings, industry events, news items, etc. — you can demonstrate your thought leadership as well.

2. An internal blog helps make you a better team player.

Your internal blog can help you share information with your team members, and get their feedback quickly.

3. An internal blog connects you with others in your organization.

By nature, a blog is meant to be participatory and engaging. When you publish an internal blog, you allow others in the organization the ability to know your thoughts and to respond to them through the blog itself. You don’t have to be in a meeting together, or even be located in the same office.

A blog post can easily turn into an active discussion around a topic. This helps you gauge where your co-workers stand on certain issues.

4. An internal blog provides a permanent record of your insights.

Unlike an email that can be deleted, lost or forgotten, your blog post remains in your corporate intranet long after you’ve left the organization.

5. An internal blog helps others find you and your content.

Through your intranet’s search engine, other people in the organization can find your blog posts easily, possibly discovering you for the first time.

6. An internal blog makes you stand out.

If you work in a large or geographically diverse organization, chances are, few people are blogging internally or doing it right. You’ll stand out, if you publish a new post regularly around work-related topics, which are interesting to others in the company.

7. An internal blog improves your writing and communication skills.

Blogging forces you to write, and the more you write the better you get. Also, by being aware of how your readers respond to your posts — what interests them, what makes them respond — you get a better understanding of how to communicate more effectively.

These are just a few of the benefits of internal blogging. I hope these are enough to motivate you to begin blogging internally, or to do it more often.

What Do You Think?

Have you been blogging internally? If so, which of these benefits have you experienced? What other benefits have I missed?

If you’re not blogging internally yet, why not? What’s stopping you? Which of these benefits excite you the most?

Noodle is the social intranet software that improves communication, enhances collaboration, and encourages innovation in the enterprise. It brings microblogging, wikis, document sharing, instant messaging and other social business tools in a single portal. Click here to see what’s possible with Noodle.
Image by Victor1558

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