Did you know that you can use the Noodle Database Manager (DM) application to create e-forms to accomplish dozens of different workplace tasks within Noodle? Are your filing cabinets in HR overflowing with documents, employee forms and records? Need a simple way to collect information from your employees? Or how about having an efficient and easy to use IT Ticketing system? If you haven’t converted to being paperless in your workplace, then Noodle will be perfect for you. If you’ve already gone digital, stop using multiple applications to complete these tasks. Streamline your processes using the Noodle DM. Let’s take a look through 5 types of forms you can create in Noodle.
1. Time Off Requests – Do you still have your employees booking time off through a shared calendar? Excel document? Or expensive HR Management software? You can accomplish many HR Tasks in Noodle as we will also mention more later. You can quickly build a Time-Off Request form in Noodle without knowing any html to code forms. Using the Workflow tool, you can make the request go through an approval process and send out e-mail notifications for time off approved. HR Managers can also track reports such as: time-off by employee, quarterly reports, type of absences etc. Create other kinds of requests too, such as: Mileage/Expense request, Office Supply ordering, Appointment requests and more.

2. IT Ticketing System – Noodle’s DM is a great tool to use to not only for employees to submit IT troubleshooting tickets. It’s also useful for IT Managers to assign and track items using workflows and auto-notifications. IT will love having an area to comment and ask questions to the employee as well as sharing screenshot attachments and other files. This leads to a more organized IT group and issues get addressed more efficiently. They can also use the built-in Instant Messenger to address issues immediately with the end user.
3. Special Event Forms – You can create forms for anything that requires input from your employees. That may include things like surveys, quizzes, or sign up forms. Use the intranet to allow employees to sign up for company events like the Annual Company Picnic, Christmas party, blood drive or charity event. Holding an office potluck? Use a form to allow people to sign up and track in a report what everyone is bringing. Use forms to gather feedback from training or other suggestions.
4. CRM Tool – If you need a CRM tool or place to track a list of customers, vendors, or suppliers, you can build one in Noodle. Create a Sales Database for your sales team to track leads and prospects. There are many different custom reports you can create to analyze your sales as well. Then convert those prospects and add them to your custom client database. Add a directory of your vendors and suppliers and even set up ordering forms to submit an order request. Use the Data Connector field to link your list of suppliers (and their information) in the order form. The Noodle DM is a flexible CRM solution built right into your intranet.

5. Employee Database Management – Again, the DM is a very useful tool for Human Resource groups. Create an On-Boarding form to collect personal information from new employees (name address, emergency contact etc). Provide links to other new employee forms (like tax forms, contracts etc.) they need to fill out and add Upload fields to allow them to attach the filled out forms. You can store these filled out forms in an Employee List which will also give you a place to add other attachments or other general notes about the employee as well as directly link to their Profile page in Noodle. Add an HR section to the form where HR members can fill out additional information about the employee (start/end date, salary, manager etc.) and organize in subfolders arranged by group or department.
There are many other creative ways to use this robust tool that will surely make things easier for your employees and managers. Do you have a form idea that we haven’t covered and would like to see if Noodle can do it? Sign up for a free custom prototype and allow us to show you more capabilities of the application and the rest of Noodle’s tools and features. You can also send any inquiries to saleshelp@vialect.com.