CEO Blogging on the Intranet

We already know internal blogging can be good for one’s career.

In the case of internal blogging by your CEO, there are even more benefits.

Internal blogging certainly won’t hurt your CEO’s career. After all, internal blogging is an excellent way for your CEO to build and demonstrate their authority.

And CEO blogging on the intranet is also good for your organization’s internal communication, for example:

1. A blog is better than office memos

CEOs most often communicate via office memos, but they can go much farther with an internal blog. A blog is the perfect medium for personal insights, opinions, reflections, and other content, which normally would be inappropriate in a memo.

2. A blog is more personal

A CEO’s blog doesn’t have to talk solely about work. CEOs can and should talk about what they’ve been doing at work, of course, but they can also share what happened in their last vacation, what books they’re currently reading, or even their favourite TV programmes and movies.

3. A blog lets the CEO interact with and engage employees

Blog commenting allows staff members to respond to the CEO’s posts, and for the CEO to have virtual discussions with them. The blog platform is less intimidating than person-to-person conversation, and some employees may feel more comfortable sharing their reactions on a blog.

4. A blog sets a good example

Staff members aren’t always willing to communicate on the intranet. But if they see top management, specifically the CEO actively using the intranet to reach out to them, and if they see their co-workers posting comments and interacting on the CEO’s blog, then that would encourage them to be more active on the intranet, too.

5. An intranet blog is a gateway to an external blog

Despite the many benefits of blogging, the minority of CEOs have external-facing blogs. But if your CEO experienced what it’s like to have a successful and engaging internal blog on the intranet, then he or she could easily see the value in an external blog. If or when this happens, then the blogging skills are already there, and publishing an external blog would be much easier.

I hope the list above helps you convince your CEO to start blogging on the intranet.

Expect some resistance. After all, a blog is additional work for your already burdened CEO. Plus, it’s new territory. New always brings up fear and misgivings. Reassure your CEO by giving the following reminders:

  • A blog doesn’t have to be long

Seth Godin, who publishes one of the most popular blogs in the world, writes blog posts that average 250 words. His posts are short, sweet, and to-the-point. When it comes to blogging, consistency is more important than length. Publishing a blog post once a week, albeit a short one, is better than a 1200-word post once a month.

  • A blog doesn’t have to be written by an award-winning writer

A blog is written in a conversational tone. So if your CEO can carry out a conversation, then he/she can write a blog post. Tell your CEO to imagine talking to one, just one, employee and take it from there.

  • You will be there to help

Offer to help in any way you can. Have a list of 12 blog post topics to begin with. Be willing to proofread the post for typos. And encourage staff to post comments on the CEO’s blog. Getting no response can be very discouraging.

Does your CEO blog internally on the intranet? If so, what tips can you share? If not, what can you do to get your CEO to blog?

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