How The People Widget Can Make Employee Recognition A Little More Personal

Employee of the Month programs have been around for as long as we can all remember.  It is a great way to recognize hard work and achievements in the workplace.  The problem with EOM programs is they often get forgotten about or pushed to the back burner.  Employee of the Month must be easy to sustain for management and fun for employees.

Having your name on a plaque is nice, but is employee recognition limited to just plaques?  Noodle has a better way with our “People Widget”!  The People Widget can be used to highlight an employee for many different types of achievements, and best of all, it is very customizable making things a little more personal.  Next time you select an employee of the month remember to keep the People Widget in mind.

Intranet Home Example

What else can the People Widget be used for?

Being the new employee can be a very daunting task.  It’s your first day at work and no one knows your name yet.  You find yourself walking into the office and all of a sudden someone you have not met yet says hello to you and uses your first name.  You smile and say hello back, all while being a little thrown off.  Your almost at your new desk when another co-worker greets you by name.  You can’t help but smile surprisingly.

With companies becoming larger and more dependent on technology it can be difficult to introduce a new employee to the entire staff.  Using Noodle’s People Widget you can highlight a new employee, including their picture, name, favorite hobbies, expertise, and more.  Allow your new employees to feel like part of the family the moment they walk in and they will quickly become an active participant in the company culture.

Show Birthdays on your Company Intranet.

Knowing a Name can go a long way”¦

In Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends & Influence People”, he says this regarding names: “Remember that a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”

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