Intranet Metrics to Measure and Monitor

For intranet managers, metrics are important to show user adoption and, to a certain extent, intranet value. Numbers don’t tell the whole story, but they’re a good starting point for keeping tabs on your company intranet. Metrics can also raise red flags, alerting you to areas that need changing or additional work.

Below is a list of things intranet managers can measure and monitor:


The first place intranet managers — and management — usually start is by looking at numbers that indicate how much the intranet is being used. These metrics could include:

  • unique logins per day – The closer this number is to the number of registered users, the higher intranet usage is.
  • peak times – When are users most likely to be using your intranet? This knowledge is useful for timing announcements, instant messages, and notifications.
  • number of profiles created and filled in – If you allow users to fill in their own user profiles, this is a good indicator of intranet adoption. If users are logging into the intranet but leaving their profiles empty, what can you do to compel them to complete their profiles?


Aside from actual usage, it’s helpful to know which parts of the intranet are most and least popular. What pages receive the highest amount of traffic? Which pages get the highest engagement (in terms of comments and sharing)? And what types of content do your intranet users tend to create and upload on the intranet?

Page views

Specific pages or content that are most used give you a clue as to how users are actually using the intranet to get their work done (or not). If certain pages aren’t getting many visits, ask yourself: Is it because users don’t need that content? Or is it because they don’t know it exists? Or is it because they can’t find it?


Aside from intranet pages, the usage of intranet applications or widgets also tell you a lot about how relevant your intranet is, and for what. Maybe the file sharing folder application is popular, but not the more engaging apps like discussion forum. Why is that? Is it because the users don’t know how to use the app? Or don’t know how the app can facilitate their work?

User satisfaction

Hard numbers aren’t the only way to measure and monitor your intranet. Periodically carry out a survey (whether formal or informal) to gauge user satisfaction. Do the over-the-shoulder technique to identify usage hiccups and training opportunities.

You’ll also want to look at frequently asked questions about the intranet, as well as anecdotal “reports” you get through email or in hallways. Every little bit of information can be an important clue to your intranet’s performance.

Champion users

Metrics of specific intranet users can help you identify champions and those who need extra help with the intranet. Heavy intranet users can be tapped to encourage other employees to use the intranet more. You could even pair them up with less active users to address gaps in knowledge and skill.

If your intranet provides it, look also at users’ engagement scores. Reward high participation, and encourage those who aren’t yet engaging on the intranet. The tips here and here can help.

How Do You Do It?

How do you measure the success of your intranet? What intranet statistics do you currently track? How useful are these numbers for getting buy-in from management and employees?

I’d love to read about your experiences in the comments below.

Image by Victor1558

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